Support for Project Qualifications
View our full range of support for the EPQ and other project qualifications.
The University of Southampton believes project qualifications such as the EPQ offer an unparalleled introduction to the skills needed for students to thrive in Higher Education.
We were the first university to introduce a dedicated admissions offer for students who excel in the EPQ, and we work with state schools across the country to support students and raise the profile of the EPQ, and other project qualifications.
The Learn With US Transition programme is the focal point of this support. Our academically trained team offer talks, workshops and visits designed to support every stage of project qualifications - from forming research questions to finding resources, writing up and presentation skills.
We are keen to work with students who are eligible for Free School Meals and/or from IMD Quintile 1 postcodes of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation.
Find out more about what we offer below, or to make a booking, see our booking form. If you would like to get in touch, please email: learnwithus@soton.ac.uk.
View our full range of support for the EPQ and other project qualifications.
Find out about library visits for EPQ students.