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The University of Southampton

Engaging with real science

LifeLab: translational research - taking contemporary science to students

PI: Dr Kathryn Woods-Townsend


This on-going project with the AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust aims to give teachers professional development opportunities to engage with translational research at the Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Southampton in the Faculty of Medicine and to develop teaching sequences and resources that can be used in the classroom as part of the LifeLab experience.


We have recruited 10 teachers from Southampton and Hampshire to be involved with the project, and we have delivered a research seminar session followed up by 2 days of CPD for the teachers involved.
The research seminar showcased the work of 7 scientists from the Nutrition BRC, the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit and the Faculty of Medicine and the feedback from those who attended was very positive, one teacher commented “this really made me remember why I love science”.

The research seminar session was followed up by a teacher CPD day, held at the Science Learning Centre SE. The teachers involved came together to explore more about translational research, and to share their ideas about how this innovative cutting edge research could be accommodated into their curriculum design.

The teachers have since been working to their own timetable, to produce a module of work, incorporating some of these ideas. The majority of these modules were taught in the autumn term 2012. As part of the module of work, the school students attended a LifeLab day at the University, and to date, we have run 7 of these LifeLab activity days.

Impact to date

You can read more about the project and the impact it had on our posters.
Poster 1
Poster 2

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