A typical LifeLab module consists of approximately 5 school-based lessons, and a day at LifeLab.
This is organised as follows:
A CPD session for the teachers involved; lesson plans and learning resources for school-based lessons are provided
Teachers complete 4 lessons in school prior to the LifeLab activity day. These lessons set the scene for the LifeLab visit and introduce the students to ideas based around the following concepts; how Scientists work, how to analyse data and how to explore some of the research already taking place at the University of Southampton.
Students attend a LifeLab activity day at the purpose-built, hospital laboratory facility. The day is hands-on and practical. Students take part in activities designed to build on the lessons they have had in school and reinforce the science behind the health messages they hear about. Students are given the opportunity to talk with research scientists, in a "Meet the Scientist" session in order to explore or challenge their views of scientists.
Teachers deliver a follow up lesson in school. This lesson utilises data the students have collected on their LifeLab visit to learn more about ‘risk’.
The students then have the opportunity to carry out their own health-related investigation. They write up and present their results as scientific posters.
LifeLab hold a celebration event for selected students from each school to attend with their posters to showcase to an audience of peers, teachers, parents and researchers.
If you would like to register your interest in finding out more about how LifeLab can help your school please email our Project Manager, Kath:
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