Application of bayesian methods in structural and vibro-acoustics dynamics Event
- Date:
- 21 - 22 March 2012
- Venue:
- Thursday 22nd March Chilworth Manor House Wednesday 21st March University of Southampton
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Jon Lawn on +44(0)23 8059 2294 or email .
Event details
Bayesian workshop 2012
The Workshop
The workshop will consist of presentations and discussions on the use of Bayesian methods in engineering (structural dynamics, acoustics and vibro-acoustics, inverse problems, etc.). Participation focussing on identification and simpli-fication of parameters in the high frequency range is particularly welcome without limitation to this topic. Contributions are encouraged both in research on mathematical or statistical aspects of the Bayesian methods or the dynamic systems in this context and on applications to practical engineering problems.
The first day of the workshop will be held on the University of Southampton’s main campus, and the second day will be hosted at Chilworth Manor (alongside the FP7 Mid-Frequency Short Course). The hotel is located a short drive from the main campus. It is anticipated that delegates will arrive on the morning of Wednesday 21st March and the workshop will finish late afternoon on Thursday 22nd March 2012.
The workshop is open to a limited number of 40 participants. By signing up for the Wednesday and Thursday for the Bayesian workshop you will get free registration, refreshments on the 2 days, an evening meal on Wednesday, transport from the University to Chilworth Manor, overnight accommodation on Wednesday and breakfast and lunch on the last day.
Presentations will include:
S.K. Au (City University of Hong Kong): ‘Bayesian operational modal analysis: From theory to practice’.
J. Beck (California Institute of Technology, USA): ‘Bayesian methods for structural predictions’ (Title to be confirmed)
M. Beer (University of Liverpool, UK): ‘Handling imprecision in probabilistic models and Bayesian updating’ (with M.Stein, National University of Singapore)
R. Dwight (T.U. Delft, The Netherlands): ‘Reducing uncertainties in aeroelastic flutter boundaries using experimental data’
H.H. Khodaparast, J.E. Mottershead (University of Liverpool, UK): ‘Bayesian model updating using measured data with irreducible uncertainty’
C. Lecomte (ISVR and S3RI, University of Southampton, UK): ‘Bayesian parameter estimation at mid frequency from transfer function measurements’ (with J.J. Forster, B.R. Mace, and N.S. Ferguson)
K.D. Murphy (University of Connecticut, USA): ‘Practical implementations of a Bayesian, model-based SHM methodol-ogy’ (with E.Z. Moore and J.M. Nichols, Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
C. Papadimitriou (University of Thessaly, Greece): ‘Bayesian uncertainty quantification in structural dynamics simula-tions using High Performance Computing techniques’
N. Singpurwalla (George Washington University, USA): ‘Bayesian methods in reliability’ (Title to be confirmed)
A.M. Stuart and K.J.H. Law (University of Warwick, UK): ‘Data Assimilation for Fluid Mechanics: A Comparison of Bayesi-an and Filtering Methodologies’
K. Worden (University of Sheffield, UK): ‘Bayesian approaches to nonlinear system identification’
The format of most presentations should be 30 minutes plus 10 minutes of discussion.
The meeting will be a good opportunity to have a session where open problems are expressed and discussed. These could be on theoretical aspects, mathematical or statistical technicalities or applicability in engineering.
Thurs. 22nd March:
Chilworth Manor Hotel Southampton UK SO16 7PT
Wed. 21st March:
University of Southampton
Building 2, Room 1083
Highfield Campus
Southampton, UK SO17 1BJ
A map of the University Highfield Campus can be found here:
Confirm Participation
Please could you confirm your participation at the Bayesian Workshop to Jon Lawn (email or call +44(0)23 8059 2294) by Jan 26th so we can confirm room numbers. If you would like to give a presentation, could you also please provide or confirm the title of your talk and a short abstract before Feb 15th to Jon Lawn (details above). If you have an electronic link available to one or more papers related to your talk or on the general theme of the workshop you can provide this to Jon and we will distribute a list of papers to all participants. Could you please also indicate if you would be interested to present one or more open problems (10 minutes per presentation).
If you would like to stay additional nights at the Chilworth Manor hotel please let Jon know and he can arrange for rooms (at your own expense). Please note we will not cover travel expenses with the exception of coach travel from the University to Chilworth Manor on the Wednesday evening.
The Bayesian workshop will be joining with the overlapping short course on Mid Frequency methods on the morning of
Thursday 22nd March
. You are invited to join the Mid Frequency short course on Friday 23rd March. Please see sepa-rate flyer for information. If you do confirm your attendance on the Mid-Frequency course your evening meal Thurs-day and Thursday night accommodation, breakfast and lunch Friday are also included free (subject to availability of limited funded places). Please fill in the application form attached, and return by Jan 26th to join the Mid Frequency short course, and tick ‘apply for free tuition, accommodation and meals’.
Presentations on the Mid Frequency Course include:
A. Carcaterra (Sapienza, Italy): ‘Complex systems, uncertainties and dissipation’
S. Lefteriu (LMS International, Belgium): ‘Model order reduction’
O. Dazel (LAUM, France): ‘Model reduction for porous materials: extending the models to higher frequencies’
F. Gautier, (LAUM): ‘High-resolution methods in high modal overlap situations: industrial and musical applications’
A. Cicirello (Cambridge, UK): ‘The hybrid FE-SEA method’
W. Desmet (K.U. Leuven, Belgium): 'The Wave-Based Method'
J. Cuenca, (ISVR, Southampton, UK): ‘Modelling mid-frequency vibrations using the image source method’
J. Renno (ISVR, Southampton, UK): ‘The Wave Finite Element Method’
R. d’Amico (K.U. Leuven, Belgium): ‘Stochastic boundary element formulation for the vibro-acoustic analysis in the mid-frequency range’
Support for this workshop is provided by the Office of Naval Research Global under grant number N62909-12-1-1063. The content of the information does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the United States Government and no official endorsement should be inferred.