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The University of Southampton
Mathematical Sciences

String Theory Seminar - Pair-production of cusps on a string in AdS_3, Dr David Vegh (Queen Mary University of London) Seminar

String Theory Seminar
15:00 - 17:00
7 February 2018
Lecture Theatre 7C, Room 7033, Building 54, Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Olga Papadoulaki at .

Event details

The classical motion of a Nambu-Goto string in AdS_3 spacetime is governed by the generalized sinh-Gordon equation. It can locally be reduced to the sinh-Gordon, cosh-Gordon, or Liouville equation, depending on the value of the scalar curvature of the induced metric. In this talk, I examine solutions that contain both sinh-Gordon-type and cosh-Gordon-type regions. I show that near the boundaries of these regions (generalized) solitons can be classically pair-produced. The solitons move subluminally (superluminally) in the sinh-Gordon (cosh-Gordon) region on the worldsheet, and they correspond to cusps on the string. For the calculations, I use an exact discretization of the equation of motion. The solutions correspond to segmented strings.

Speaker information

Dr David Vegh, Queen Mary, University of London. Centre for Research in String Theory.

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