Professor Ruairidh Milne BA, MBBS, MSc
Professorial Fellow in Public Health, Consultant Adviser, NETSCC

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Professor Ruairidh Milne is a public health physician and Professorial Fellow in Public Health within the Wessex Institute at the University of Southampton. He works for the National Institute for Health Research and is an adviser to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Producing and using the best evidence to inform decisions about public health and health care
Ruairidh Milne is Professorial Fellow in Public Health and Consultant Adviser at the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC). He is an honorary consultant in public health medicine at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.
He trained in public health medicine in the Oxford region where he developed an interest in evidence based clinical and public health practice and in health technology assessment (HTA). He came to Southampton in 1996 to set up the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment, which has managed the HTA programme ever since. Since 2008, he has helped establish 3 new research programmes for NIHR. He has also at various times been on the Editorial Board for the HTA journal series; led on the Health Technology Assessment programme’s work in public health and in diagnostics and screening; has been the main link with various national bodies including NICE, the National Screening Committee and the National Patient Safety Agency; set up the new NIHR Journals Library; and been co-chair of NETSCC’s Public and Patient Involvement Reference Group.
From 2012 to 2014 he was Director of the Wessex Institute and Head of NETSCC.
- BA, History, University of Oxford (1977)
- MBBS, Medicine and Surgery, University of London (1984)
- MSc, Community Medicine, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (1988)
Appointments held
Consultant in public health medicine , Oxford Regional (then Oxfordshire) Health Authority. 1992-99
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Public Health , University of Southampton. 2000-10
Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine , Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust. 2000-present
Secondment part-time to office of Chief Medical Officer for England , DH, London. 2000-02
Secondments part-time to Hampshire and Isle of Wight SHA , Southampton. 2002-05
Secondment part-time to South East Public Health Observatory , Oxford. 2005-2007
Director roles (at various times in Strategy & Development, Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation, Public Health Research and External Relations) for NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC). 2007-2012
Professorial Fellow in Public Health , University of Southampton. 2010 to present
Director of Wessex Institute and Head of NETSCC . 2012 to 2014
Consultant Adviser to NETSCC , 2014 to present
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