Ngoc Anh Vu Ha BM5, 2018

“I came to Southampton to help me achieve my ambition of becoming a competent and understanding doctor. The location is great - it is close to London and the course is very practical, you get to see patients from your first year.”
Medicine at Southampton can provide you with many opportunities to achieve your dream and offers experiences that will influence your future career.
“Although I had already left my native Vietnam to study my A Levels two years previously, it still gives me a chill remembering the first night without my host family cooking me dinner. However, there is a lot of support at Southampton to help you settle in and my initial anxiety was soon replaced by the excitement of the new environment and making new friends.”
“The last five years have been a very exciting time, filled with wonderful memories. I have participated in various extra-curricular activities. The opportunity to take part in these activities is an important part of University life. They provide a break in your learning, as well as honing your skills in leadership and teamwork. Being President allowed me to both contribute to events, but also still gave me time for study.”
“Medicine at Southampton can provide you with many opportunities to achieve your dream and offers experiences that will influence your future career. Their research opportunities are plentiful and can give you an upper hand when applying for jobs.“
“Southampton also offers a wide range of placements. You will gain experience of all types of healthcare settings from a small District General Hospital to the big General Hospital. One placement could be in the New Forest with lots of elderly patients, while the next one could be in a less affluent city area.”
“The journey through Medicine is a challenging one and I am proud of myself for (almost) successfully navigating my way through the first part. Although there currently appears to be a lot of uncertainty in the NHS, future students should remember a career in Medicine will always be a rewarding and highly respected one.”