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The University of Southampton

The curious incidence of kidney failure and other public health matters

Published: 10 July 2013
Professor Paul Roderick

ONLINE NOW: An Inaugural Lecture by Professor Paul Roderick. Wednesday 3rd July 2013.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is common and it increases the risk of both cardiovascular disease and endstage kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant. This lecture explores early research experiences of current relevance such as homelessness and health, and how we tackle the public health threat of alcohol misuse. Professor Roderick provides an overview of the research to better understand how we can prevent and manage CKD, and provide equitable and effective care for patients who develop kidney failure.

Professor Paul Roderick is Chair of Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine. He qualified in Medicine from Cambridge and London Universities, and initially pursued postgraduate training in clinical medicine. He then undertook public health training in the North West Thames Region London, combining service with academic training at the MRC Epidemiology and Medical Care Unit. He has been a public health academic at the University of Southampton since 1993, and was promoted to a personal chair of Public Health in 2007.

This lecture was delivered on 3rd July 2013. Watch it online .

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