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The University of Southampton

Dr Michael Clynes, Clinical Lecturer in Rheumatology


I completed a PhD in molecular pharmacology at the University of Cambridge prior to studying medicine at the University of Warwick. Following medical school, I was awarded a place on the Academic Foundation Programme in the Wessex deanery where I used data obtained from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study to explore the developmental origins of osteoporosis. More recently, I have started as a Clinical Lecturer in Rheumatology at the MRC Lifecouse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton.

My main research interest is the developmental origin of musculoskeletal diseases. The exposures that we have in the uterus and early life can influence the onset of diseases such as osteoporosis later in life. I am currently involved with an intergenerational study in Hertfordshire which aims to explore whether early life exposures can be passed down through future generations and impact upon the children’s and grandchildren’s musculoskeletal health.

What is your current role?

Clinical Lecturer in Rheumatology.

Tell us a bit about your research

I work in the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit at the University of Southampton.  My principal research interest is in musculoskeletal aging, specifically osteoporosis, sarcopenia and osteoarthritis.  We use large cohort studies to explore how events early in life interact with adult lifestyle factors to determine how we age.

Why did you choose to apply for an NIHR Clinical Lecturer post?

During medical school and my early medical training I developed a strong interest in academic rheumatology, owing to the combination of fascinating diseases, research opportunities and ongoing contact with patients.  I therefore chose to apply for the NIHR Clinical Lectureship post in Rheumatology to further develop myself as a clinical academic and contribute to the advancement of healthcare in this field.

What opportunities did the post provide?  What did it enable you to achieve?

My award has enabled me to conduct research in my area of interest whilst completing my clinical training.  I have had the opportunity to collaborate with internationally recognised experts in the field and to attend and present at international conferences.

How has being an NIHR Clinical Lecturer benefitted your career?

The award has had a significant impact on my career as I have been able to establish myself as a clinical academic.  I have developed a plethora of research skills, published my work in internationally recognised journals and have had excellent preparation for a career as a clinical academic whilst completing my clinical training.

How has your work benefitted patients and the public?  Or how will they benefit in the future?

Through the use of epidemiological methods we have delineated environmental influences throughout the lifecourse which are associated with age-related musculoskeletal disease.  Based on this we can now develop prevention strategies.  For example, my current work is focusing on the impact of different forms of physical activity on individuals with osteoarthritis.

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