Emeritus Professor Colin D Johnson MChir FRCS
Professor of Surgical Sciences, Honorary Consultant Surgeon

Professor Colin D Johnson is Professor of Surgical Sciences within Medicine at the University of Southampton. His main research interests are the development of new Patient Reported Outcome measures including symptoms and Quality of Life, and the assessment and treatment of pancreatitis
Research interests include Pancreatic Diseases and Quality of Life Assessment
Colin Johnson is Professor of Surgical Sciences and Honorary Consultant Surgeon in Southampton. He is an abdominal surgeon, with a major interest in pancreatic and biliary surgery. Before he moved to Southampton, Colin worked in London and Bristol. He spent 2 years as a Research Fellow in Marseille, working on pancreatic physiology with Pr Henri Sarles.
Professor Johnson has served as Secretary and President of the Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and on the Council (President in 2014) of the European Pancreatic Club. He has been a Council member of European Digestive Surgery. In 2001 he gave the Arris & Gale Lecture of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, on gallbladder symptoms and function.
He has a longstanding interest in scientific publication, contributing to the Editorial Board of several research journals. He has been Associate Editor, and European Editor of the British Journal of Surgery, and recently completed a 5 year term as Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He has started a new role as Surgical Editor with Cogent Medicine, to build an international, multidisciplinary online forum for high quality surgical research.
Colin is a leading member of the EORTC Quality of Life group. He served for 6 years on the Executive Committee, as Chair of Module Development. He has developed questionnaires for assessment of quality of life in pancreatic diseases, in elderly cancer patients, and he is working on others for cancer cachexia, anal cancer, and to assess the symptoms of biological therapies in cancer.
BA Medical Sciences and Anglo Saxon University of Cambridge 1973
MB BChir University of Cambridge 1976
FRCS England 1980
MChir University of Cambridge 1986