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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Ms Wendy Gibbons BA (Hons), MPhil, CELTA, SFHEA

Teaching fellow

Ms Wendy Gibbons's photo

Teaching Fellow in Modern Languages and Linguistics.

After completing my degree in Philosophy at King’s College, Cambridge, I took a CELTA at International House in London and returned to Cambridge University do an MPhil in Linguistics. I have over 20 years’ ELT/TESOL teaching experience, from monolingual classes in Poland and Croatia, where I taught both young learners and adults, and in UK multilingual settings teaching TESOL, Phonetics & Phonology, EAP and ELT Formation. I have a keen interest in learning languages (Spanish and Croatian) and a strong belief in the empowering force of learning and knowing language.

Research interests

The application of phonology to the ELT/TESOL classroom as a means of raising awareness for listening.

Convening LING077 Analysing Language for ELT/TESOL.

Teaching LING6022 Principles of Communicative Language Teaching.

Ms Wendy Gibbons
Student Office, Building 65, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton. SO17 1BF United Kingdom
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