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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

English for higher education

Our English Medium Instruction (EMI) programmes help institutions fulfil their training needs.

The University of Southampton is fully aware of the needs of the International Academic who is required to function through the medium of English wherever in the world he or she may be delivering courses or conducting research. Consequently we have developed courses which we have delivered in Southampton or in-country for a number of overseas universities who are supporting their academics as they enhance both language proficiency and their confidence in functioning through English.
English Medium Instruction (EMI) courses are tailored to meet the specific needs of the institution and individuals concerned, but typically consist of:

Special workshops are devoted to pronunciation, raising the international academic’s online profile, and the use of technology both inside and outside the classroom. In addition, a variety of teaching styles and approaches are incorporated into the courses, thus providing the opportunity to discuss methodology and exchange ideas around delivering course content.

Contact us to find out more.

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