Works published by two former Modern Languages PhD students

Two of our former PhD students, Darren Paffey and Vasilki Georgiou, have recently had essays published.
The essays were published in Sally Johnson and Tommaso Milani (eds) Language Ideologies and Media Discourse: Texts, Practices, Politics . London/New York: Continuum (2009). Darren's essay considers 'Globalising standard Spanish: the promotion of ‘panhispanism’ in the Spanish press', while Vasilki focuses on 'Circularity in the (re)production of language ideology: the case of Greek Cypriot TV series'.
Visit the publisher's website to find out more.
Vasilki also has a forthcoming publication: 'Competing discourses in the debate on place names in Cyprus: issues of (symbolic) inclusion/exclusion in orthographic choices', in the
Journal of Language and Politics
This is a fantastic acheivement for our former students, so many congratulations to them both!