Research award and appointment for Professor Mary Orr
Professor Mary Orr (Modern Languages, French) has been awarded a two-year Leverhulme Research Fellowship for her project 'A remarkable woman in science: Sarah Bowdich (Lee) 1791-1856'.
The grant will provide teaching replacement costs over the 24 months of the award and cover of essential research expenses. Mary has also been appointed to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Fellowships panel in the current year, and has had her membership of the AHRC Peer Review College extended for a second term of office until 2014.
Both the Leverhulme Fellowship and the AHRC appointment are very significant achievements and marks of esteem. Leverhulme awards are extremely competitive as scholars from all disciplines can apply. Mary's project is very important for the University as it bridges literature, history and science.
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