Funding award for Routes into Languages
Professor Mike Kelly and his team in the LLAS Subject Centre (Centre for Langage, Linguistics and Area Studies) have been successful in getting continuation funding for the Routes into Languages programme.
The Higher Education Funding Council for England and UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills have awarded £487,000 to enable the programme to continue until March 2011.
Routes into Languages is a programme of cooperation between around 70 universities across England and Wales, working with schools and with employers to increase the take-up of languages in secondary and higher education and to increase the employability of graduates with languages. It is coordinated by the Subject Centre team at Southampton. The programme's Director is Professor Mike Kelly and Heather McGuinness is Programme Manager.
Visit the Routes into Languages website.
Links to external websites
- HEFCE- Higher Education Funding Council for England
- BIS- UK Department for Business and Innovation Skills
The University cannot accept responsibility for external websites.