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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Humanities postgraduate funding opportunities

Published: 12 January 2012 Origin:  Humanities
Humanities postgraduate students

The Faculty of Humanities is pleased to offer a substantial number of postgraduate scholarships and studentships funded by: the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through their Block Grant Partnership (BGP) scheme; the University of Southampton; the Faculty of Humanities; and our partners.

The Faculty has AHRC awards for prospective postgraduate students at masters and doctoral level within the following subject areas:

Archaeology, European Language and Culture, English, Film studies, History, Linguistics, Music.

The Faculty has studentships and scholarships available for masters and doctoral study in any of its seven disciplines and across a range of interdisciplinary centres including:

Archaeology, Eighteenth Century Studies, English, Film, History, Jewish History and Culture, Linguistics, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Transnational Studies.

Studentship details and eligibility:

AHRC awards are available for the duration of a postgraduate masters’ course and for up to three years full-time or five years part-time for doctoral students. UK students who satisfy certain residency criteria are eligible to apply for full awards covering fees and maintenance. (Full-time maintenance was £13,590 per year for doctoral awards in 2011). Students from EU countries other than the UK are eligible to apply for fees-only awards unless they satisfy certain residency criteria. Other awards range from £1,000 to full tuition fee and maintenance scholarships; awards are available to UK, EU and international applicants.

How to apply:

Submit both an application to study at the University of Southampton and a funding application form.

For details on how to apply to study at the University of Southampton see

The funding application form is available at ?

Please note that to be eligible for consideration for an award you must have also submitted an application to study at the University of Southampton. All awards are made on a competitive basis.

The closing date for all applications is 24 February 2011.

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