Workshop on digital tools in language learning research

The Centre for Applied Language Research ran a successful half day workshop at Avenue Campus on Wednesday 10 April, introducing c50 PGR students and other interested researchers to a range of digital tools which can support the study of informal language learning during residence abroad.
First of all, Kevin McManus and Nicole Tracy-Ventura (Southampton) gave a demonstration of CHILDES programs and their uses in coding and analysing transcripts of L2 learner talk. Nivja de Jong from Utrecht University (Netherlands) demonstrated the software package PRAAT and its uses for studying L2 fluency development. Then Dan Dewey (Brigham Young University, USA) spoke about modelling social networks and gave a demonstration of Gephi software and its application to L2 networks. In each case participants had a chance to explore the software through hands on exercises and identify advice sources for future applications.
This workshop was supported financially by the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities and was a prelude to the international conference “Residence Abroad, Social Networking and Second Language Learning” which took place on 11-12 April with c80 international participants.