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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

EuroCALL 2017: Call for papers

Published: 9 December 2016
EuroCALL 2017

The 25th EuroCALL conference will be held at the University of Southampton, in the United Kingdom, from 23rd -26th August 2017. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 31st January 2017

Submit your abstract here:

The programme will include individual papers, symposia, workshops, presentations on EU-funded projects, and posters.

EUROCALL conferences are hosted under the auspices of the EUROCALL : the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning. They bring together educators, researchers, PhD students, administrators, designers of software and language learning systems, policy makers and other professionals involved in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) around the globe.


CALL in a Climate of Change: Adapting to Turbulent Global Conditions.

This theme encompasses the notion of how CALL can, and is responding to changing global circumstances which impact on education, be they in economic, political or environmental spheres. It cuts across areas including teacher training, competitive educational models, open education, models for blended learning, collaboration, creative and innovative pedagogy, student engagement, students’ needs and sustainability.

The EUROCALL 2017 conference aims to discuss and discover insights into how the theories and practices of CALL are driving, responding to and facilitating change in the world around us.

Proposals addressing the theme from both theoretical and practical perspectives in relation to the many forms and contexts of CALL are particularly welcome. Submissions may include, but are not restricted to:

  • students as producers of content and agents of change
  • student engagement and motivation
  • sustainability for teachers, online learners and online learning
  • evaluation and re-evaluation of teaching methodologies in CALL
  • the local versus the global in online learning
  • creativity in CALL pedagogy
  • developing strategies for teacher education and professional development
  • mobile learning in CALL
  • the ecology of language learning
  • learning analytics and CALL design
  • open educational resources and practice in language learning
  • applying principles from SLA in CALL
  • innovative practice in blended language learning
  • the design and practice of LMOOCs (language related massive open online courses)
  • telecollaboration and CMC
  • autonomous and life-long learning
  • computer-based languages tests
  • gamification and virtual reality

We welcome proposals from researchers and practitioners working in any areas of CALL. The conference language is English and all proposals for Papers, Symposia, European Projects, Workshops and Posters must be submitted in English.

Authors of accepted presentations are invited to submit a short paper (1,500 words) for publication in the online conference proceedings, and may also submit an extended version for peer-reviewed publication in ReCALL or the EUROCALL Review. Details will follow shortly.


  • Deadline for submissions: January 31st 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: March 31st 2017
  • Early-bird registrations: 2nd June 2017
  • Deadline for submissions of short papers for proceedings: 30th June 2017


1. Individual papers

Papers should be submitted for 30-minute presentations. This timing allows for 20 minutes presenting, 5 minutes for questions, and 5 minutes for room changes.

Three types of papers may be given:

  • Research : papers focusing on a clearly specified research topic supported by a rationale, including a brief literature review. The thrust may be empirical or theoretical. The methodology should be clearly outlined as well as the actual or potential findings.
  • Research and Development : papers focusing on the development of applications and programmes integrating CALL. The research should be original and may emphasize practice rather than research. They may also be based on projects either completed or under development (European, national, local).
  • Reflective Practice : papers dealing with the integration of ICT in different contexts and for different purposes. The reflection could take the form of evaluation or action-research. Proposals should include elements that are of relevance beyond the context of the practice described.

2. Symposia

Symposia consist of three or four papers on a similar topic, proposed and organised by a chairperson, and should normally address the conference theme. Sessions last for 90 minutes, with NO changeover during the symposium. The proposal should outline the purpose of the symposium, the names and institutions of the participants, with a sentence mentioning what aspect of the main problem that each will address.

Submissions for symposia from EUROCALL SIGs are particularly welcome, with a view to promote their work to the conference delegates and encourage participation in the SIGs. Current EUROCALL SIGs are: Teacher Education, Virtual Worlds, Natural Language Processing, CorpusCall, Computer Mediated Communication, and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning.

3. Pecha Kucha Presentations (for PhD students)

A pecha kucha is a particular style of presentation which involves presenting 20 slides for 20 seconds each (6 minutes 40 seconds in total). It requires speakers to be concise, entertaining and innovative in their presentation style and allows for multiple speakers in one session. We would like to invite postgraduate students to use these sessions to present concise, informative descriptions of their work. One pecha kucha session will include 4-6 presentations. Abstracts for pecha kucha presentations should be 200 words max.

4. European Projects

This year’s conference will again offer a forum for the showcasing and dissemination of EU-funded projects. Each project will be allocated a 30 minute slot, including questions.

6. Workshops

Workshops are either 90 minutes, half a day or a full day in duration and typically involve a hands-on session, where participants have the opportunity to become familiar with the latest developments in relevant topic areas in language teaching and learning and tools associated with these. We particularly welcome workshop proposals addressing the conference theme from theoretical and/or practical perspectives. The proposal should include the intended duration of the workshop, its main purpose, and a brief outline of topics and activities covered as well as technical requirements. Workshops will run throughout the usual conference sessions (NOT necessarily on a dedicated day as has been the case before).

6. Posters

Since posters aim to attract attention to a particular project or research domain, they should mainly focus on work in progress. They may, however, report previous or preliminary findings. Posters should be clear, easy to read and attractively laid out. Submissions from advanced students are especially welcome in this category. A prize will be awarded for the best poster in two categories: PhD/Graduate student and Researcher.


The online abstract submission system has been developed using OpenConf, an open source programme. Complete the form and submit your proposal before 31st January 2017. An e-mail acknowledging receipt will automatically be sent to you. Please note your password for future reference. (Please check your spam filter if the e-mail notification does not reach you). The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of the form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to your submission.


All presentation categories require a submission of an abstract that does not exceed 500 words (200 words for pecha kucha presentations), excluding the title, names and affiliations. You will have to select from a list of conference subthemes (topics), which will allow us to place your paper in the appropriate strand. You should provide 3 or 4 keywords too that will also help us place your abstract into the appropriate category. You can type your abstract directly onto the online form or paste a previously edited text. Plain text should be used. Do not use any formatting elements (bold or italics, bullets, list elements, symbols, borders, lines, etc.) The abstract system does not accept charts, tables, graphics or photos.

Before adding your abstract to the system, it is advisable to check the number of words and typing errors using a word processor. Please make sure that you do not use your name or refer to your home institution in the abstract itself, otherwise your proposal will be automatically rejected. These details should be provided in the Biography section of the submission form.


  • You can enter the Submission System by selecting the link below which will open a new window in your browser. In this window you should go through the following steps:
  • Enter the submission system by clicking on ‘Authors: Make submission’
  • Complete the submission form and submit your proposal.
  • With the submission ID and your password, you can enter this system again: select “Edit a submission” or “Withdraw a submission” from the AUTHORS menu, and edit or withdraw your submission.
  • Whenever you update a submission, the system will automatically send the contact author an e-mail confirming successful update.
  • You can modify your saved abstracts at any time during the submission period.
  • During this process, you can contact the programme chairs by e-mail ( for assistance.
  • The results of the blind-reviewing process will be notified to submitters of proposals on 31 March 2017.


Click this link to submit your abstract:

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