Launching the Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca

Speakers: Jennifer Jenkins, Martin Dewey and Will Baker
Last month, Routledge published the first ever Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. For our first research CGE seminar of this new year, we therefore decided that it would be appropriate to focus on the Handbook and its historic place in the development of ELF research. Jennifer Jenkins's brief introduction considered why such a Handbook was needed at this time in ELF’s trajectory and discussed the Handbook’s development. The three co-editors, Will Baker, Martin Dewey, and Jennifer Jenkins, then each said a few words about their own Handbook chapter (respectively, ‘ELF and Intercultural Communication’, ‘ELF and Teacher Education’, and ‘The Future of ELF?’). This was followed by a reception during which wine, soft drinks and nibbles were served, and a copy of the Routledge Handbook of ELF was raffled.