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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Suprasegmentals in South-East Asian Englishes Seminar

Centre for Global Englishes
17:00 - 18:30
9 May 2018
Building 65 Lecture Theatre C Avenue Campus SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Jennifer Jenkins at .

Event details

Part of the annual seminar series for CGE.

Intonation is one of the earliest acquired aspects of human speech, and is now thought to be acquired pre-birth in a child's first language (L1).  L1-specific patterns of speech rhythm emerge shortly before a child is school-age. This presentation looks at some suprasegmental aspects of speakers who have English as a second (L2) or additional language, focusing on research on the emergent variety, Hong Kong English (HKE), and L2 English learners from Malaysia, China and Vietnam. We will consider patterns in the different speaker varieties, and also issues of teaching and learning.

Speaker information

Professor Jane Setter , University of Reading. Professor of Phonetics

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