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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Music and Migration Event

12 - 17 October 2009
Turner Sims Concert Hall, University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor Ulriche Meinhof at .

Event details

Jointly organised by the Centre for Transnational Studies (Modern Languages) and Music, in collaboration with Turner Sims.

The conference will explore the relationship between music and migration by providing new insights into the creative practices and life-stories of migrant artists across the globe. A core theme of the conference will be the motivations and experiences of migrant musicians who leave, return, stay or move beyond their localities. Through the focus on such specific groups of migrants the conference aims to throw light on their identifications in their artistic and every-day lives.

Patterns of migration are clearly linked to transnational networks. By focusing on the role of migrant musicians within such networks, this conference seeks to analyse and understand the extent to which musicians’ networks may or may not be special cases within migration studies. The conference aims to widen the scope from 'bi-focal', ethnically and spatially defined communities in sending and originating countries to more complex flows and the networking of individuals.

The conference will provide an international forum for interdisciplinary debate, including keynote lectures from musicological and social science perspectives and 40 cutting-edge research papers from colleagues working across the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Scientific and Artistic Committee

Prof Ulrike Meinhof (Cultural Studies, Linguistic Ethnography, Sociolinguistics), School of Humanities, Centre for Transnational Studies, Modern Languages, University of Southampton

Dr Nadia Kiwan (Sociology and Francophone Cultural Studies), School of Language and Literature, French Studies, University of Aberdeen

Dr Marie-Pierre Gibert (Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology), School of Humanities, Centre for Transnational Studies, Modern Languages, University of Southampton

Ben Piekut (Lecturer in Music), School of Humanities, Music, University of Southampton

Prof Taieb Belghazi (Cultural Studies, Sociology and Literature), University Mohamed V-Agdal, Rabat, Morocco

Dama Mahaleo (Musician and cultural consultant), Antananarivo, Madagascar

Speaker information

Professor Nina Glick-Schiller ,University of Manchester,Research Themes: Transnational migration, cities, globalization, locality, religion and migration, methodological nationalism

Professor Philip Bohlman ,University of Chicago,Mary Werkman Distinguished Service Professor of Music and the Humanities in the College

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