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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Blending technology with EAP: A BALEAP Professional Issues Meeting Event

9 November 2012
Avenue Campus University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BF

Event details

This event will explore a number of themes including:
- EAP blended and/or distance learning
- Wikis and blogs in an EAP context
- Social media in teaching EAP
- EAP courseware design
- EAP tutoring online
- E-assessment for EAP
- Multimedia resources in EAP teaching and learning
- Open Educational Resources (OERs) for EAP
- Using VLEs in an EAP context

For more information, including directions and accommodation information, please see the eLanguages website.

Registration must be completed by midnight on Tuesday 30th October. Please note that you will need to register for this event on the BALEAP website.

We will be using the hashtag #baleappim12 before, during and after the PIM.

See also our pre-event workshop on Friday 9th November : The LOC tool for EAP teachers: authoring your own online learning materials. This workshop will be run by the Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS) at the University of Southampton. Please note that registration for this event needs to be made separately through the LLAS website.

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