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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Perez de Ayala Lecture 2012 Event

6 December 2012
Lecture Theatre B Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Tracy Storey at .

Event details

An annual lecture that this year is taking place on the Avenue Campus.

This year, Humanities at the University of Southampton is delighted to introduce Carles Casajuana, author of several novels and essays in Catalan, among them The Last Man Who Spoke Catalan, 2009 Ramon Llull award. This book, a novel of ideas - what the French call "un roman à thèse"- that does not take itself too seriously, addresses the question of bilinguism and the situation of Catalan writers, both in Catalan and in Spanish. His lecture will focus on the situation of the Catalan language and the situation of Catalonia and Spain today and will try to answer a question that haunts many in Catalonia today: Is Catalan in danger of disappearing?

Carles Casajuana is a writer and a diplomat. He has published nine novels and an essay on the Catalan writer Josep Pla. He contributes regularly to El País. As a diplomat, he served in Bolivia, the Philippines, New York, Malaisia and Brussels. He was the Spanish Ambassador to the United Kingdom in the period 2008-2012.

This event is supported by the Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs.

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