BALEAP PIM, CALL FOR PAPERS: EMI in Higher Education: the challenges and the opportunities Event

- Date:
- 11 June 2016
- Venue:
- Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF
For more information regarding this event, please email Mary Page at .
Event details
The University of Southampton, Department of Modern Languages is delighted to be hosting a BALEAP Professional Issues Meeting on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Avenue Campus.
EMI in Higher Education: the challenges and the opportunities
As teachers of English for Academic Purposes in ever-widening contexts, both geographical and disciplinary, we can find ourselves facing complex challenges and issues, none more so than when problematising the “E” in English Medium Instruction in Higher Education and its future development.
Practitioners and researchers are invited to participate in a day of constructive discussion around the nature of English in the EMI context, together with implications for the delivery of course content, standardisation and assessment, and ultimately the consequences for the EAP tutor, both in the UK and in off-shore campuses.
Proposals for presentations, workshops and posters are invited around the following themes, but all related aspects of language and pedagogy will be considered:
- How can the EAP tutor best serve the language needs of students in the multilingual, discipline-specific content classroom?;
- Is the “E” in “EAP” the same as the “E” in “EMI”?;
- Translanguaging in the HE language classroom;
- Managing the balance between language knowledge and subject knowledge;
- Assessment of language and content: issues for the EAP tutor.
At this PIM we hope to reach beyond the borders of the UK in both practice and research and welcome proposals from members overseas.
Deadline– EXTENDED to Monday 18 April 2016
We have been asked to extend the Call for Papers deadline to Monday 18th April 2016. Please click here to download the submission form and email to Mary Page
We are delighted that Dr Kristina Hultgren from the Open University will be giving the opening plenary. Dr Hultgren works at the intersection of language and globalisation. You can read about her work here
A downloadable programme is available at the bottom of this page under Useful Documents. Please note speaker information and timings are subject to change.
Who to contact
If you have any questions about the programme and the content, please feel free to contact Mary Page
How to register
To register for the event and make an online payment, please use the following link :
If you wish to register and pay via an invoice, please download the attached document (see below under Useful documents) and email to Alternatively you can go to the BALEAP event website to download the form at :
Delegates to the PIM might be interested in visiting the webpages of Southampton’s Centre for Global Englishes , and read, in particular, about details of projects which include research into English Medium Instruction in Higher Education
You may wish to book overnight accommodation at one of the following places. They are located near the University of Southampton Avenue Campus.
Please note that we are not taking accommodation bookings - these are only suggestions. Please mention, when booking, that you are attending a University of Southampton event to receive discounted rates.
The BALEAP PIM will be held at the Avenue Campus , University of Southampton. Please click here for directions to Avenue Campus. The event will take place in building 65, please report to the main reception entrance which can be found from the main car park.
Please note that parking is available on site but please request a car parking permit on registration.
By rail or coach : Please click here
By car : Please click here
By air :Please click here
The hashtag for this event will be #BALEAPSotonEMI
We look forward to welcoming you on 11 June 2016.
The organising committee:
Mary Page - queries about the call for papers and programme content
Erin Forward - information about accommodation and travel