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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Global Englishes PhD conference, Centre for Global Englishes, University of Southampton, Friday 24th June 2016 Event

10:00 - 17:30
24 June 2016
Markus Liebherr Lounge St Mary's Stadium SO14 5FP

For more information regarding this event, please email Prof Jennifer Jenkins at .

Event details

On Friday 24th June 2016 from 10am to 5.30pm we are holding a one-day conference for up to 50 PhD students who are researching any aspect of Global Englishes. The event will begin with a keynote from Professor Anna Mauranen and then the rest of the day will consist of presentations and discussions from PhD students and recent postdocs. We are offering free participation to both speakers and audience, and will include early and mid-morning and mid-afternoon refreshments, and lunch. The event will be held in the luxurious Marcus Liebherr Lounge of Southampton Football Club , which is close to Southampton Central station, and also offers free parking to conference delegates.

If you would like to apply to give a talk, please submit your title and an abstract of around 100 words, along with your affiliation and PhD title to Tomokazu Ishikawa at . Note that preference will be given to students who have already collected and at least partly analysed their PhD data. If you would like to apply for an audience place, please contact Tomokazu with your name, affiliation, and PhD title. If you would like to attend as a supervisor-discussant, please contact Jennifer Jenkins at .

Further details about the PhD conference (Word doc)

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