''Do I sound gay?'' film screening

As part of LING 2011 Variation and Change in English, we are screening “Do I sound gay?” a documentary which explores whether there is any basis for the stereotype of a ‘gay voice’ (2014, David Thorpe, Maeve O’Boyle).
The screening is open to all students and staff and will be preceded by a short introduction - Dr Sophie Holmes-Elliott, lecturer in linguistics, will briefly examine the linguistics of ‘sounding gay’, and Dr Eleanor Jones, lecturer in Portuguese and cultural studies, will discuss its cultural significance.
The screening is free to attend and will be followed by drinks and discussion in The Crown.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R21Fd8-Apf0
Venue: University of Southampton, Avenue Campus 65, Lecture Theatre B
Time: 18.00 (run time 77mins)