Trends and issues of migration flows in the Middle East - CANCELLED Seminar

- Time:
- 12:00
- Date:
- 23 April 2013
- Venue:
- Lecture Theatre B Avenue Campus Southampton SO17 1BF
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor Marion Demossier at .
Event details
Dr Michèle Baussant is a social anthropologist from the University Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense and is a visiting speaker at the Institute for Language and Culture and has published extensively on the issues of migrations, memory and cultural heritage.
Please note this seminar has been cancelled. We hope to re-schedule this for next semester.
Since the late 1980s, the flow of migration has increased, diversified and globalisation, while also continuing to exhibit traditional regional patterns of exchange. If these migratory movements are less significant in quantative terms than other forms of population flow such as tourism, business trips or pilgrimages, which are estimated to involve no fewer than 600 million individuals, they nevertheless constitute a major contemporary concern as a result of the attendant controversies about the access to land, to natural resources and food supplies.
The Middle East is particularly significant as it represents today a central geopolitical and geographical zone in terms of international labour migration as well as of forced migrations, involving one-quarter of population movements within the developing world). Little by little, the migrations from Arab countries towards other Arab countries have been replaced by an unskilled labour underpaid, composed by individuals who travel without their families, from, for example, South-East Asia, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka. One of the most visible aspects of this international mobility in the Middle East is provided by the presence of domestic employees, coming from Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Nepal.
I will focus my presentation on the case of the Lebanon, which highlights the existence of two great trends of contemporary migration: the first is a men-only "irregular" migration, composed of unskilled and flexible migrant workers; the second concerns " transmigrants", female domestic workers or housemaids, whose work permits stipulate that they are obliged to return to their country of origin at the end of their contract.
Contact details: Michèle Baussant:

Speaker information
Dr Michèle Baussant ,Social Anthropologist