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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

'Challenging research settings: gender, risk, and resistance.' Seminar

17:00 - 19:00
6 May 2015
Avenue Campus - 65/1177 University of Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Aude Campmas on (023) 8059 9407 or email .

Event details

Part of the annual seminar series for Centre for Transnational Studies (TNS). Please join us for the seminar and discussion.

Tankers, container vessels, bulk carriers, and refrigerated fruit ships....these are some of the vessels I have experienced when undertaking 'on board' fieldwork in my time working at the Seafarers International Research Centre. There is a certain romance associated with the idea of doing research at sea, yet in the main this is misplaced.

Ships are monotonous, dangerous, institutionalised, predominantly male, environments from which there is little chance of respite or escape. As such, it is fair to say that doing research on a deep-sea cargo vessel carries with it a number of challenges and risks. In this account I will focus on the experiences I have had of undertaking fieldwork in these particular settings over a period of sixteen years.

I will explore some of the more general challenges associated with doing research of this nature before moving on to consider some of those that relate more specifically to the gender of both the researcher and the researched.

Speaker information

Prof. Helen Sampson , Cardiff University. Helen Sampson joined the Seafarers International Research Centre in 1999. She became a Senior Research Associate in 2001 and Deputy Director of SIRC in 2002. In September 2003 Helen was appointed as SIRC’s Director. Helen has a background in policy-related teaching and research. Her first degree is in Sociology and she holds a Postgraduate Certificate of Education PGCE (Economics and Social Studies – FE/Secondary) and a PhD. At SIRC Helen’s research interests have developed in relation to multinational crewing, training, women seafarers, the impact of changing technology on seafarers’ work, issues of regulation, family life, globalisation, and seafarer health and safety.

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