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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Assembling Alternative Futures for Heritage Seminar

17:00 - 18:30
9 December 2015
Building 65/Room 1173 Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Ulrike Meinhof at .

Event details

How does heritage make the future? From nuclear waste in Sweden to global endangered languages, from a frozen genetic 'Ark' in Nottingham to the global seed vault in Arctic Norway, and from 'rewilded' landscapes in Portugal to paper-based archives in Paris, Assembling Alternative Futures for Heritage (AAFH) aims to develop a broad, international and cross-sectoral comparative framework for understanding 'heritage' not as a domain which is concerned with the past, but rather as a series of heterogeneous yet distinctive practices oriented towards assembling (alternative) futures. This paper introduces this collaborative research project, which involves a team of 10 researchers, 3 PhD students and 21 international partner organisations, and aims to show how its broad themes relate to some of the most pressing ecological, social and political issues of our time. Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Photograph by Rodney Harrison.

Speaker information

Dr Rodney Harrison , University College London. I am a Reader in Archaeology, Heritage and Museum Studies in the Institute of Archaeology at University College London. I am currently Principal Investigator on 'Assembling Alternative Futures for Heritage' (AAFH), a 4-year UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded interdisciplinary collaborative research programme. AAFH involves an international team of 10 researchers, 3 PhD students, and 21 partner organisations which studies a broad range of natural and cultural heritage and heritage-like practices ethnographically, with a particular focus on their future making capacities, in comparative perspective. My research interests include: • Critical Heritage Studies • Heritage, multiculturalism and globalisation • Intangible and indigenous heritage • Museum studies • History and philosophy of museums, anthropology and archaeology • Archaeologies of the present and recent past • Contemporary material culture studies • Historical archaeology • Archaeologies of colonialism • Australian archaeology

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