Post Multilingualism, Translanguaging and Linguistic Creativity Seminar

- Time:
- 17:00 - 18:30
- Date:
- 9 March 2016
- Venue:
- Lecture Theatre C Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Jenny Jenkins at .
Event details
Part of the annual seminar series for the Centre for Global Englishes (CGE).
This talk looks at examples of translanguaging practices in complementary schools for minority ethnic children in the UK, multi-modality linguistic
practices by multilingual speakers, and New Chinglish from a Post-Multilingualism perspective. The aim is to develop an approach which helps us to better understand the processes as well as the consequences of dynamic and fluid interactions between, across and beyond languages on social relations, social structures and individual’s social cognition.
Speaker information
Prof Li Wei , University College London, Institute of Education. My main research interest is in the broad area of bilingualism and multilingualism, which includes language and cognition, Bilingual and Multilingual First Language Acquisition (BAMFLA), child second language acquisition (CSLA), speech and language disorders of bilingual and multilingual speakers, the pragmatics of codeswitching, bilingual education, and intercultural communication. My current work focuses on the creativity and criticality of multilingual speakers.