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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

TNS Seminar Series 'Moving Stories' Seminar

The Centre for Transnational Studies
23 November 2016
Building 65/Room 1177 Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dr Heidi Armbruster at .

Event details

We shall dedicate the forthcoming series of TNS seminars to the theme of moving stories. This involves stories which move literally across borders and contexts, as well as stories which move us emotionally.

As students of societies, histories and cultures we often engage stories in order to understand and analyse our subject. Stories come in different forms: biographies and life narratives; oral histories; personal and collective memories; material-object stories; poems; novels; legends; myths; visual narratives; music; art; news and media stories; non-fictional sources.

Exploring the moving story will involve questions such as:

- How stories are engaged to create moving objects of study;

- How stories are engaged to study moving phenomena, such as relationships between people, times, places, and ideas;

- How stories are used to cross boundaries that are physical, temporal, contextual, disciplinary;

- Methods, including multi-sited research, digital storytelling, and the use of mobile devices;

- Analysis, such as how we investigate storied material (focussing on aesthetic form, socio-political implications, historical change, accounts of experience, or ways of expressing cultural and historical identities or ideologies);

- Why we collect stories (to understand, to experiment, to give a voice, or to produce counter narratives);

- Wider notions of translation.

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