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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

The effects of structured-input and structured-output tasks on the acquisition of English causative Seminar

Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research
18 October 2017
Lecture Theatre C Avenue Campus SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Roumyana Slabakova at .

Event details

Part of the annual seminar series for CLLEAR.

The experimental study presented in this paper (Benati and Batziou, 2017, 2018) considered the effects of structured-input and structure-output tasks when delivered in isolation and in combination. The effects of three different treatments (structured-input only; structured-output only; and a combination of structured-input and structured-output practice) were measured on the acquisition of English causative forms (feature affected by The First Noun Principle). Chinese adults and Greek school-age learners learning English participated in the study. Interpretation and production tests (sentence and discourse) were used as pre-test, immediate post-test, and delayed post-test. Results show that learners benefit from structured-input practice and maintain their ability to interpret and produce the target feature after that practice.

Speaker information

Alessandro Benati , University of Portsmouth. Alessandro Benati is Head of School of Languages and Area Studies and Professor of Second Language Acquisition at the University of Portsmouth. He is internationally known for his research in second language learning and teaching, with special emphases on processing instruction.

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