Investigating implicit-explicit language attitude discrepancy (IED) to examine language attitude change in progress Seminar

- Time:
- 17:00 - 18:30
- Date:
- 7 February 2018
- Venue:
- Building 65 Room 1175 (Lecture Theatre C) Avenue Campus SO17 1BF
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Jennifer Jenkins at .
Event details
Part of the annual seminar series for CGE (Centre for Global Englishes).
This talk details the results of a recent study employing an Implicit Association Test (IAT) and self-report attitude scale, measuring the relationship between 90 Newcastle-based English nationals' implicit and explicit ratings of Northern English and Southern English speech. Multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant implicit-explicit attitude discrepancy (IED), providing evidence of language attitude change in progress, led by younger females, with explicit attitudes changing more rapidly towards a greater tolerance of the English spoken in the north of England. The study findings are discussed in relation to the potential changing status of Northern and Southern English speech in the north of England. Suggestions for additional ways in which implicit and explicit attitude measures can be usefully employed by sociolinguists and applied linguists are also offered.
Speaker information
Dr Robert McKenzie , University of Northumbria. Senior Lecturer in Sociolinguistics