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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Grammatical innovations in Multicultural London English Seminar

Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research
16:30 - 18:00
24 October 2018
Building 65 Lecture Theatre C Avenue Campus

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Roumyana Slabakova at .

Event details

Part of the annual seminar series for CLLEAR.

Recent years have seen growing interest in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of sociolinguistics and formal linguistic theory, sometimes called Sociosyntax (see e.g., Cornips and Corrigan 2005; Lingua special issue on formalizing syntactic variation (2010), vol 120.5). Recent research into urban multiethnolects in the UK (e.g., Cheshire et al 2011) has revealed unexpected syntactic properties in emerging varieties of English, particularly Multicultural London English (MLE). Research on MLE has so far been carried out in a variationist sociolinguistic framework (Cheshire et al 2011 a.o), but here I report on my research into grammatical innovations in MLE in a broadly generative framework. I focus on the new pronoun man and preposition+definite article drop (P-D-drop). I will present analyses for the two phenomena, and discuss how the study of grammatical variation picked up through sociolinguistic research can inform our understanding of the limits of the language faculty from a minimalist perspective.

Speaker information

David Thomas Hall , QMUL.

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