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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Employability facts and figures

A degree in Modern Languages and Linguistics opens up a wealth of opportunities for your future. You will emerge an acute listener, have broadened your cultural horizons and improved your mental agility. Modern Languages and Linguistics is unique in that it is both a valued skill in itself, but also a tool that will allow you to showcase the other skills gained from your degree in another country, another culture and in a variety of professions.

Careers facts

A degree in languages is increasingly valued by employers across all sectors, including industry and business. The choice of career goes beyond the common few that language students usually go into: teaching, translation or interpreting. Employers recognise that a modern languages degree shows wide cultural experience as well as other personal transferable skills which they gain through their education.

A number of channels are available to language students who wish to go into business, and our graduates have gone into a variety of different jobs such as marketing, publishing, journalism, business sales and many others.

Doing a language does not limit you to a job in languages; it widens the choice and allows you to enter whatever market you wish to.

With a degree in Modern Languages and Linguistics you could work in a variety of countries
Work in different countries

Modern Languages and Linguistics at Southampton

When you are within the University you will continually cultivate your transferable skills through essay writing, presentations and self-management. These skills combined with an array of different languages are exactly what an employer looks for in a graduate. The linguistic talent allows you to gain a footing in most career markets, allowing you to work in a variety of different countries. One of our recent graduates is now working in The Spanish Ministry of Education while another works in the Universite de Rennes.

Not only does your degree allow you to work outside the UK it will help you in many job markets, being fluent in another languages is vital for companies to conduct business internationally. Many of our graduates have gone into professional or managerial roles in large corporations such as Amazon, Film4 and the International Tennis Federation, with the 75% having a starting salary between £15,000 and £29,999 a year.

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Photo of Gabriele Conradie
I would definitely recommend studying a year abroad to other students, my German improved ten fold, it really is incredible how much it improves and how your confidence to use it was, coupled with my gap year, one of the best years of my life.

Humanities facts and figures

Facts and figures about a Humanities degree and Humanities at Southampton

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