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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities Postgraduate study

Miss Ashwaq  Althowibi BA, MA

Postgraduate research student

Miss Ashwaq  Althowibi's photo

Ashwaq is a Postgraduate Research Student within Modern Languages at the University of Southampton.

Criticism is the fuel by which the vehicle of success runs

I am a lecturer in the Department of English Language at AlBaha University, Saudi Arabia. I had the opportunity to receive a scholarship to complete my MA in English Studies at the University of Nottingham in 2015. After that, I went back to teaching before I started my PhD studies at the University of Southampton in 2017 under the supervision of Dr. Ying Zheng.


MA in English Studies from university of Nottingham (2015)

BA in English Language (first honour) – (2012)

Research interests

My research interests include but not limited to; Language Assessment and Testing, Assessment Feedback,Assessment Literacy, Academic Writing, Language and Gender.

PhD Supervision

Dr. Ying Zheng

PhD research

Exploring Factors that Influence Experiences of Assessment Feedback among International Students in the UK.

This study aims to understand the assessment feedback experiences of the students who are studying in EAP programs in the UK, with specific relevance to their academic writing. It takes the feedback experience as an anchoring point since research indicates that feedback has a powerful influence in shaping the entire student learning experience.

Affiliate research groups

Special Interest Group in Language Testing and Assessment (SIGLTA), European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA)

I have worked as a teaching assistant and then as a lecturer at the Department of English in AlBaha University where I taught various modules.

Miss Ashwaq Althowibi
Student Office, Building 65, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton. SO17 1BF United Kingdom

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