Miss Amy Wallington BA, MA
ESRC SCDTP Postgraduate Research Student in Second Language Acquisition
Amy Wallington is an ESRC Postgraduate Research Student in the department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at the University of Southampton. Her PhD project, which is funded by the South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership (SCDTP), focuses on the university-level development of French as a second language in native speakers of English.
I graduated from the University of Southampton in 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in French Linguistic Studies, and then in 2017 with a Master of Arts (MA) in Applied Linguistics for Research. I am currently working on my PhD, which explores the development of an area of French grammar (the viewpoint aspectual system) in native speakers of English who are acquiring French in a university setting. My project aims to bring together two traditionally disparate methodological strands, combining a generative approach to second language acquisition with an analysis of native French linguistic input.