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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities Postgraduate study

Mrs Liliana Pelayo Muñoz

Postgraduate Research Student

Mrs Liliana Pelayo Muñoz's photo

Liliana Pelayo Muñoz holds a MA in TEFL and has been working as an English as a Foreign Language professor at Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa, UPCH, for more than 16 years. She was granted a scholarship by the Public Education Ministry (SEP) and the British Council and is currently a distance PhD student in ELT at the University of Southampton where her area of interest is reading comprehension, explicit reading instruction and reading in a foreign language.

Research interests

My PhD research project is focused on Reading Comprehension in English as a FL with university students. The provisional thesis title is: Explicit Reading Instruction (ERI) for university students as a way of enhancing reading skills and strategic reading: an intervention teaching study.

My interest in this topic arose many years ago since reading in English in academic settings, especially at university level, is an ability usually required in many parts of the world where English language is not the L1. This widespread requirement contrasts to the reality that most students fail to learn to read adequately in the foreign language. In many parts around the world, students at university level not only do not possess reading abilities in the foreign language but also do not possess a reading practice and reading skills in their L1.

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I have published some modest insights on reading comprehension, explicit reading, and communicative practice among other related topics.

Elaboración de una ficha de aprendizaje para la expresión oral en inglés de los estudiantes del Centro de Aprendizaje de Idiomas de la Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa. Investigación y Posgrado. Revista de la Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa. Volumen 5, número 19. Julio-septiembre 2015. ISSN:2007-7645

La lectura de textos académicos en inglés y los estudiantes universitarios. Investigación y Posgrado. Revista de la Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa. Volumen 5, número 18. Abril-junio 2015. ISSN:2007-7645

El pensamiento reflexivo en la práctica docente. Investigación y Posgrado. Revista de la Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa. Volumen 4, número 14. Abril-junio 2014. ISSN:2007-7645

La lectura en inglés de textos académicos en el contexto universitario. AcademiaJournals.Com 2015

Explicit Reading Instruction: hacia una lectura estratégica. Accepted for publication AcademiaJournals.Com 2016

Conference Presentations

“EFL Reading: assisting students become effective readers” Universidad del Valle de Puebla. Mayo 20, 2015

“La Lectura en el idioma ingles en el context universitario” 2° Foro Estatal de Investigación e Innovación Educativa. Febrero 2015

Mrs Liliana Pelayo Muñoz
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