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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities Postgraduate study

Mrs Maria Clements BA, MRes

Postgraduate Research Student

Mrs Maria Clements's photo

I first came to the University of Southampton in 2007 to study for my undergraduate BA (Hons) degree in Spanish and Linguistics, graduating in 2011. I then completed the MRes Linguistics course at the University of Southampton, following the language acquisition pathway (2011 – 2012), developing a particular interest in second language acquisition. In 2013 I started studying for my PhD, developing and extending my research interests to the field of third language (L3) acquisition.

Research interests

My research interests include generative linguistic research, second and third language acquisition, acquisition of morphosyntactic properties (in particular null subjects), typology, the role of features and feature re-assembly.

My current research project explores language acquisition in a multilingual context, investigating the acquisition of subject and object pronouns by L1 English-L2 Spanish-L3 Chinese learners. I am particularly interested in the role of previously acquired languages in L3 acquisition, as well as the factors which determine the source of transfer. My research is funded by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council).

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  • Clements, M. & Domínguez, L. (forthcoming). Re-examining the acquisition of null subject pronouns in a second language: focus on referential and pragmatic constraints. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.


  • Clements, M. & Domínguez, L. (2014). Acquiring referential and pragmatic properties of null subjects in a second language. 24th annual conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), 3 – 6th September, University of York (oral presentation).
  • Clements, M. (2015). Exploring the role of previously acquired languages in third (L3) acquisition: an alternative approach. ESRC Final Year Conference, 20th November, University of Southampton (poster presentation).

Seminar tutor in undergraduate module, LING1001 Elements of Linguistics and postgraduate module, LING6004 Description of Language.

Mrs Maria Clements
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