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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities Postgraduate study

Ms Patricia Núñez Mercado BA, MA

ELT teacher trainer at Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

Ms Patricia Núñez Mercado's photo

Ms Patricia Núñez Mercado is a Postgraduate Researcher within Applied Linguistics at the University of Southampton.

I hold a BA in English, a BA in French and a TEFL MA by the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. I am a full-time teacher at the School of Languages of the same university, in the English BA, the online BA in TEFL, the TEFL MA, and the Foreign Language Department. I am currently studying the Distance PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Southampton. I have been teaching English language and ELT courses for 20 years. I am a member of the committee that developed the national certification exam in Mexico for bachelor degrees in ELT, and have a C2 level language certification by the University of Cambridge. I have participated in numerous national and international conferences, both as a presenter and attendee, have published several book chapters and journal articles, and coordinated a book in ELT training perceptions.


BA in English Language

BA in French Language


Research interests

I am a member of the research group Language Learning and Teaching Processes, at the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.

My main research interests are effective teacher instruction, English learning and teaching processes, research processes, and literacy development in higher education. The topic of my PhD thesis fits into this last research area, as I am exploring online TEFL BA students’ trajectories while writing in L2 a research paper to obtain their degree, that is to say, their academic digital literacy practices around this writing process.

PhD Supervision

Dr Adriana Patiño Santos (main) and Dr Heidi Armbruster

PhD Research

Although still work on progress, the title of my PhD thesis is Academic Digital Literacy trajectories: the case of online undergraduate TEFL students’ L2 writing. My main supervisor is Dr Adriana Patiño Santos and second supervisor is Dr Heidi Armbruster. My PhD studies are funded by PRODEP (Mexican government funding).

Research Projects

At the Universidad Veracruzana research group, I have recently participated in the following projects:

  • Digital Literacy for English teachers
  • Perceptions of teacher evaluation
  • Students as researchers

Ms Patricia Núñez Mercado
Student Office, Building 65, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton. SO17 1BF United Kingdom

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