Alexandra Heaton BA Film and French

Hi, I'm Alexandra Heaton and I studied BA Film and French within Humanities at the University of Southampton.
When I first arrived, I had no idea what to expect. I was so happy to find myself in small seminar groups with very friendly teachers.
When I first arrived, I had no idea what to expect. I was so happy to find myself in small seminar groups with very friendly teachers. I was very comfortable answering questions in seminars because it was a very relaxed atmosphere. I also think I learned more because I wasn't afraid to ask for clarification or help because the teachers and staff were so surprisingly approachable.
A year aboard
I am looking forward to my year abroad. The idea of possibly spending a year in some gorgeous French town is so exciting. It's one thing to have the opportunity to learn the language, but it's another thing to be immersed in culture and 'la vie quotidienne'. It's going to be a great experience.
University life
At first I was very nervous and shy because I was fresh off the plane and had a funny accent. But as soon as I got here I realised that there were loads of people feeling the same way. In halls, I lived in a flat with three English people, a boy from Sweden, and a boy from Cyprus; so I felt better right away. We all got on and I quickly got into the swing of things. The activities set up for Freshers' Week were perfect for meeting friends. I am so comfortable here now.