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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities Undergraduate study

Study support

The University offers a huge range of resources and study support across all our campuses to help you make the most of your learning experience.

University library
The University has five libraries

Whether you need guidance on coursework or help finding an obscure journal, access to the internet or language lessons, we have the technology, services and resources to ensure you get the support you need.

During term time your academic advisor will always be on hand to offer advice and guidance.

Free wireless and networked high-speed internet access is widely available across all campuses and halls of residence, and in all the libraries.

The University has five libraries.

Specialist equipment and assistive technology are available for students with a disability, specific learning difficulty or chronic medical condition. The Wessex Needs Assessment Centre (WNAC) provides specialist assessments for students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties (dyslexia), many of whom are eligible for the Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA). Following assessment, students have access to ongoing support, advice and guidance.

Our Centre for Language Study offers resources and language courses for students and staff across the University. Equipped with the very latest technology, the Centre has courses and resources in a wide range of languages, including Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese and Spanish. The main Language Resources Centre offers an extensive selection of publications, self-access materials, tutorials, audio-visual learning resources, reference materials and the latest multimedia software.

Key facts

You will receive advice and support from your academic advisor
A supportive learning environment

Teaching staff and pastoral care

All our members of academic staff are active researchers, but we believe that excellence in research goes hand in hand with excellence in teaching. This means that you will be taught by staff who are working at the cutting edge of their particular discipline and who are eager to share their enthusiasm and ideas with you.

At the same time, we try hard to foster a friendly, informal atmosphere, in which students feel free to come and ask for advice and guidance. This is as true for the pastoral side of our support as it is for the academic side. Throughout your degree studies, you will remain in close contact with your academic advisor and be able to turn to them for help and advice.


SUSSED is a secure site which provides students, faculty and administrative staff with world-class internet services. This is where you can check email, log into the student record system self-service pages, access learning materials and join the University's virtual communities.

On SUSSED you can locate useful information and resources such as the University calendar, the quality handbook and other education support materials.

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