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The University of Southampton
Music Part of Humanities

Dr Katrina Faulds

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr Katrina Faulds's photo

Dr Katrina Faulds is a postdoctoral Research Fellow in Music at the University of Southampton.

From September 2017, I am working on the AHRC-funded project Music, Home and Heritage: Sounding the Domestic in Georgian Britain, coordinated by Professor Jeanice Brooks.  Prior to this I was administrator for the Sound Heritage network, which was also funded by the AHRC.

In 2005 I graduated from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam with a Masters-equivalent diploma in fortepiano performance, after completing undergraduate studies in Australia.  Since 2012, I have performed regularly with Dr Penelope Cave as an early keyboard duet partnership.  In 2015 I completed a PhD in historical musicology at the University of Southampton, under the supervision of Professor Jeanice Brooks.  My thesis looked at dance and dance music across the turn of the nineteenth century and its connection with elite female identity.

I have presented a number of conference papers, often in conjunction with Dr Cave, in the UK, Norway and Paris.  I have also given papers at Sound Heritage Ireland (2016) and Sound Heritage Sydney (2017) symposia.

Research interests

Music, Home and Heritage:

Affiliate research groups

Music Performance Research , Musicology and Ethnomusicology

Research project(s)

At Home with Music: Domestic Music-Making in Georgian Britain

Funded by the AHRC, ‘At Home with Music’ uncovered the hidden world of private music-making in Georgian Britain and explained how musical activities in the home contributed to contemporary concepts of emotion, gender, family and class.

Dr Katrina Faulds
University of Southampton
Music Department
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ


Room Number : 2

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