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The University of Southampton
µ-VIS: Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Microtomographic Volume Imaging

NXCT diondo d5

Latest arrival

d5 detector assembly on the granite manipulator
d5 detector assembly on the granite manipulator

The Diondo d5 system is our latest walk-in scanner funded by the EPSRC as part of the The National X‑ray Computed Tomography facility (NXCT; infrastructure development. The system is currently being commissioned (August 2022) and will be available to internal and external users later in the autumn.

The d5 is equipped with two X-ray sources: one 300 kVp micro-focus transmission tube enabling higher spatial resolution (<5 µm) scanning of larger/denser objects and one high-energy 450 kVp mini-focus reflection tube offering higher X-ray flux for faster, lower noise scanning. It has a customisable 3000 x 3000 pixels Flat Panel (FP) detector (active area 417 x 417 mm) allowing the operator to optimise the system’s performance to best suit the sample and imaging requirements. The system it is also equipped with a range of advanced acquisition modes which allow horizontal and vertical field of view expansion, including helical acquisition, panel offsetting, and vertically overlapping scans. It also features scatter compensation techniques for denser objects and linear translation laminography for high aspect ratio samples.

The d5 can be used to image specimens with dimensions from a few millimetres in cross-section up to objects with ~ 2 –3 m linear dimensions with a scannable field-of-view in excess of 1 m (Ø) x 1.5 m (H). The heavy-duty rotation stage can support specimens up to 200 kg. A labyrinth at the rear of the system allows routing of cables and pipes that can control and feed in situ rigs for time-resolved and/or environment controlled µ-CT experiments.

In summary:

‣ 300 kVp & 450 kVp X-Ray sources
‣ resolutions:
‣ ‣ 300 kVp source: ~ 3 µm up to 10 W / 20 µm up to 80W
‣ ‣ 450 kVp source: ~ 0.4 mm up to 700 W / 1 mm up to 1500 W
‣ 3000 x 3000 FP detector (active area 417 x 417mm)
‣ scanning modes:
‣ ‣ horizontal & vertical field-of-view expansion and cropping
‣ ‣ helical scanning
‣ ‣ linear translation laminograpgy
‣ scattering compensation
‣ imaging volume in excess of 1x1x1.5 m
‣ 200 kg rating sample stage
‣ temperature controlled
‣ user labyrinth and large 5 x 3.5 x 3.5 m enclosure for large specimens and/or complex in situ testing

300 kVp & 450 kVp sources on the granite manipulator
300 kVp & 450 kVp sources on the granite manipulator

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