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The University of Southampton
µ-VIS: Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Microtomographic Volume Imaging

µ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre

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Consultancy services

The University of Southampton µ-VIS X-Ray Imaging Centre provides both academic and industrial consultancy services.

The centre is run by experienced beam scientists and is backed by over 40 academic staff from across the University, covering a wide range of expertise.

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Applying for access

The National Research Facility for Lab X-ray CT (NXCT)

As a founding partner of the the National Research Facility for Lab X-ray CT (NXCT) μ-VIS equipment can also be accessed through NXCT.

If you are interested in accessing equipment via the NXCT please visit Accessing NXCT Equipment on NXCT website or get in contact with us

NXCT currently has funding available to support a research, teaching or public engagement topic that requires access to X-ray Computed Tomography facilities. To seek funding to access our equipment please review the Free Beamtime Access Scheme Eligibility guidance and submit your application through the NXCT application form .

Please note that we are currently only able to offer free at point of access funding to academic and not-for-profit organisations only.


Please note that for both academic and industrial consultancy services charges apply (Commercial and Research Council FEC rates are listed here )

In the interest of stimulating and supporting novel and exploratory projects, we also offer annual licences to Southampton-based researchers only. Please consult the Wiki ( internal access only ) for further particulars.

Proposal writers in particular are strongly advised to contact the Centre to establish reasonable beamtime requirements for specific experiments.

Core times

The centre is open to visitors Monday to Friday 10:00 -16:00.

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