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µ-VIS: Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Microtomographic Volume Imaging
Image gallery
Engineering Sciences
Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer
Aircraft wing (450 kVp Source + CLDA detector )
Static fracture in composites
3D rendering of fibre orientation and damage in CFRPs
Radiography study of a whole cart wheel
Finite element & fracture analysis
GFRP void-crack interation
Grain boundaries and crack in aluminium composite
Medical & Biological Sciences
Lung tissue correlative imaging
Environmental Sciences
Pliosaur fossil - 3D rendering of Pliosaur jaw (human skull to scale)
Nephtys hombergi - Soft bodied marine fauna (Dinley et al., 2009)
Planktonic forminifera microfossil
Imaging living plants roots to inform computational simulations
Giant pliosaur neurovascular system
Nutrient uptake in a rice plant
High-throughput mapping of coral development over 10 meters of core
'Culicoides sonorensis' (Biting Midge )
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