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The University of Southampton
µ-VIS: Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Microtomographic Volume Imaging

1st X-ray Histology Users' Meeting

1st XRH Users meeting
1st XRH Users meeting

Thank you to everyone who has attended our 1st X-ray Histology Users' Meeting and all who shared your cutting-edge research with us! Hope you've enjoyed the event. Great to see so many applications of XRH.

Stay tuned for future events. Until next time... !

1st XRH Users meeting - Image courtesy of M.Lawson
1st XRH Users meeting - Image courtesy of M.Lawson
Wednesday 23 rd June 2021 | 09:00-12:00 (BST) / 10:00-13:00 (CET)

We kindly invite you to the 1 st X-ray Histology Users' Meeting that will take place online on Wednesday 23 rd June 2021, 09:00-12:00 (BST) / 10:00-13:00 (CET).

This 1 st X-ray Histology Users’ Meeting provides a platform for collaborators to discuss their work and experience from integrating 3D X-ray histology (XRH) in their research portfolio. Open to existing collaborators and potential future users, it will give insight to the opportunities the technology offers and establish a space for discussion of primary aspects of 3D X-ray histology, including sample preparation, image acquisition, image processing and data handling. In addition, we will also offer a brief overview and updates on our 3D X-ray histology facility and open the floor to everybody to bring up further questions (see link to questionnaire below).

The event is free to attend. Please register here:

We kindly ask all participants to submit (anonymously) at least one XRH-related question for the Q&A session. Submit your questions here:

Kind greetings from Southampton and we look forward to meeting you all online.

The XRH Team

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