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The University of Southampton
University of Southampton Malaysia Undergraduate

Priscilla Ting MEng Mechanical Engineering/Aerospace

Internship at the University of Southampton’s Computational Engineering and Design (CED) Group, in conjunction with the Amazon Charitable Trust (ACT)

Priscilla Ting's Photo

My internship involved building a sustainable drone for the Amazon so I had the privilege to visit the Amazon Rainforest located in Brazil.

What degree are you studying?

I am studying MEng Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace

Why did you choose to do an internship?

I had previously undergone an internship with Dyson Malaysia and I wanted to expose myself to a different working culture in the U.K. Furthermore, undertaking an internship has always helped me in my personal growth.

Which company did you choose?

I chose to do my internship with the University of Southampton’s CED Group, in conjunction with the Amazon Charitable Trust (ACT).

What did the work involve?

As an Amazon research intern, I had the privilege to venture into the Amazon Rainforest located in Brazil. My internship revolved around building a sustainable drone for the Amazon.

My work involved liaising with the ACT to establish clear goals and deliverables of the project. In terms of engineering context, my team was tasked to:

What did you learn from your internship?

From this internship, I learned that communication is crucial when working on projects that involves numerous partners or companies. Everyone plays a big role and a clear definition of the project has to be set at the beginning. Additionally, I have obtained better public speaking skills.

This internship involved creating an “impact” as the Amazon Rainforest needs to be protected and a sustainable drone can help in that process. My teammates and I gave presentations to various kinds of audiences: Amazonian locals, University academics, ACT members, businessmen etc.

How has it benefited your degree studies?

As I have learned to be a better team player and have gained more confidence in terms of public speaking, I believe that this will aid me in my final year GDP. I believe the additional technical skills that I have obtained would greatly benefit me when doing assessments.

Has it changed your ideas about what you will do in the future?

Yes, I was leaning more towards the technical side of engineering for my future career, but now I believe that I could also take on the role of being a project coordinator or an engineering consultant.

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