'Beating infections without jargon'

The first NAMRIP Public Engagement Workshop was enjoyed by researchers from across the University on 19 November 2015
Colleagues from LifeLab used their skill in communicating science to young people to put everyone through their paces and taught them techniques for making their meaning clear. One challenge that the participants were set was to describe their work to people in the under 30 age category.
This was the first in a series of three such workshops and the next one is on 26 November where part of the activity will be to brainstorm ideas for making the exhibition at our launch event truly memorable. Another activity will be to start planning short films on the work of NAMRIP members.
The series is supported by a public engagement grant from the University, won by NAMRIP members Nikhil Mistry and Craig Dolder under the mentorship of Prof. Leighton, and is being run in partnership with LifeLab.