Tackling AMR at Southampton – a whistle stop tour

NAMRIP were delighted to welcome 3 Research Council visitors to Southampton on 4th July, for a tour of our facilities and to meet those directly involved in Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) research.
Dr Jessica Boname is the Programme Manager for Bacteriology & AMR at the Medical Research Council, Dr Phil Packer the Innovation Lead for AMR & vaccines at Innovate UK, and Dr Stephen Webb the Strategy and Policy Manager for AMR at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

First stop on our tour was the Winchester Science Centre to see ‘The most dangerous game in the world’. NAMRIP’s AMR exhibit is on permanent display at the Centre, visited by 1000’s of children and adults.
Graeme Pick welcomed us to the Centre, describing the background to NAMRIP’s collaboration with the Science Centre and development of the exhibit. Professor Tim Leighton gave insights into his thinking behind each part of the exhibit and the key messages we are trying to convey to the public about AMR.
A hospital ward at University Hospital Southampton was next on the agenda. Professor Saul Faust hosted the fascinating tour round Southampton’s Clinical Research Facility. Located within the hospital the facility provides a clinical environment with specialist equipment for early phase trials, several of which we saw in action.

Returning to the University Highfield Campus, Professor Tim Leighton’s team gave impressive demonstrations of the technology under development within his lab.
Dr Craig Dolder and PhD students Freya Malcher, Christian Cox, Mengyang Zhu and John Parker showed various Starstream products in action, all of which are used to clean (from wounds to floors) using only cold water and bubbles.
Next stop was Health Sciences and a visit to the National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC), hosted by Professor Jeremy Webb and Jing Lin. Donning lab coats and googles, the group toured the laboratories hearing about growing mucus for cystic fibrosis research and research into oral microbiomes. During a welcome break for refreshments, the group enjoyed the opportunity to chat with Jo Slater-Jefferies and Mark Richardson from NBIC and view posters relating to biofilm research.

Our final visit of the day was across the Highfield Campus to the Optoelectronics Research Centre. Dr Collin Sones and Dr Peijun He gave an excellent demonstration of how they are using laser technology to develop paper-based diagnostics.
NAMRIP are grateful to all those involved in the whistle stop tour showcasing the interdisciplinary research into AMR currently underway across the University. A memorable day!